“We are community builders. We build strong communities by providing proactive planning, innovative solutions and quality infrastructure from inception to completion.”
Glen Armstrong Construction Ltd. was established in 1967
by Glen Armstrong, and has served Northern Alberta
for the past 50 years.
It was in the spring of 1967 that Glen Armstrong decided to benefit from the growing construction industry and build their future. It was then that the company known as Glen Armstrong Construction Limited was born. With only one piece of equipment and tons of sweat equity, Glen worked hard to build his business. He never really considered where his company would go or how long it would take to get there. All Glen really wanted was to provide for his growing family.
Business was good and there was room for expansion so in 1972, a parcel of land was purchased on the undeveloped west hill in Peace River. There was a "Misery Mountain" of opportunity and Glen took it. He had no formal education, but he did have a true passion for the trade. He came from the school of "applied learning"; teaching himself what he had to know to make it in the business, and to become an industry leader and community builder .
Running equipment on the job site and ripping up the earth is where Glen was the most comfortable. In his later years he could often be found puttering around the yard in the old grader just making sure he still had the skill to maneuver the large machinery even though he didn't really have to. He was like a kid with a big Tonka toy in the sandbox.
He was the captain of the team and he valued his men for a job well done.
Glen Armstrong 1940-2006

Experienced Labour Force
Over 90% of Glen Armstrong Construction Ltd. supervisors and foremen have been employed with
Glen Armstrong Construction Ltd. for more than 10 years.
All new employees go through an intense safety orientation prior to working in the field. All active employees are constantly educated on new safety procedures as they develop.
Timely Project Completion
Since Glen Armstrong Construction Ltd. was created in 1967, it has generated mutual trust
between the companies we work for through the quality of our work.

Equipment is kept clean in accordance with Environmental Regulations.
Equipment is well-maintained. Glen Armstrong Construction Ltd. has a preventative maintenance program in place with proper documentation.​
​All equipment is regularly inspected and maintained.​
​All equipment is available on 24-hour call.
8125 - 102nd Avenue,
Peace River, Alberta T8S 1M6
(West Hill Industrial Park)
Phone: 780-624-2101 (24 hrs.)
FAX: 780-624-2103